Wednesday 28 November 2012

Another book of propaganda published as truth

in the news today.........A book I picked up from April entitled the 7 tipping points that saved the world is absolute bollocks. My anger lies in the fact that is another book proclaiming America as the pinnacle of civilization, the apex of freedom, the highest plateau of justice etc.

America is a disgraceful country that will tell you that it is all that is good, and all others are bad . Lies lies lies. dont listen to hollywood, dont listen to american politics and news. Research the facts for yourself and get the truth. America is the seat of terrorism in the world. While it has some achievements in freedom of speech and religious adherence it is overall an abomination.

CAnt write anymore as April is trying to sleep and the tip tapping of keys is peeing her off.

Dont read 7 tipping is a far too biased interpretation of history

Monday 19 November 2012

Religion...History.. Love!!!

Here is another fantasmagorical supercalifrajalistic Post

An image of love, of a Red Rose, Rose .. thats Aprils middle name
April is this super cool person in my life who is soo fantastic I can't believe I am so lucky!!!

Hello ello my new blog readers the 83rd best page in Auckland New Zealand

Not the best, or the 2nd best, in fact not even close!! Probably a very boring little read post to go down in the annals of history as .... ah it probably won't go down in history.
Anyhow from what I gather about blogging it seems to be about posting every thought even the most trivial and mundane??? so in that vein here goes.........

I had some cruddy cereal for breakfast this morning, like eating cardboard, but the canned peaches made it much better!! This I enjoyed in bed, which was a fold out couch in the lounge of my Mothers house.

I proceeded to get picked up by my Partner/mother-of-my-son/ex/current-girlfriend?... and we dropped off my son Ashton at daycare, called Fairy Godmothers. I hope that little fulla is doing okay, he is only 11months old!! perhaps I will post a photo.

Anyhow.. my day... after dropping off Ashton I did a a few more trivial things, thought a bunch of insignificant stuff, drove to uni, arrived a few minutes late, sat through lecture and now I am in the lab doing my first everer blog with a fat headache dreaming about those delectable afghans my mumma made for lunch....mmmm I'm gonna eat one now